Water Temperature at Beaches in Toronto


Yu, Lexun


Sep 13, 2024

This is a Quarto file that downloads a dataset using opendatatoronto, cleans it, and makes a graph.


The dataset I am interested in would need to have the date, and the water temperature. A quick sketch of a dataset that would work is Figure 2 (a), I am interested in the water temperature each month, the table would be like Figure 2 (b):

(a) Quick sketch of a dataset
(b) Quick sketch of a table of the average water temperature each month
Figure 1: Sketches of a potential dataset and table related to water temperature.

Them I will draw a geom_point graph like Figure 2 (a):

(a) Quick sketch of a graph
Figure 2: Sketches of a potential dataset and graph related to water temperature.


This document uses R Core Team (2024) and Wickham (2016)

After examining the raw data, I found that there is only data between May and September. So, I am only generating simulated data between May and September


simulated_temp_data <- 
        date = rep(x = as.Date("2016-05-01") + c(0:152), times = 1),
        water_temp = rpois(
            n = 153 * 1,
            lambda = 16

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  date       water_temp
  <date>          <int>
1 2016-05-01         14
2 2016-05-02         15
3 2016-05-03         29
4 2016-05-04         10
5 2016-05-05          8
6 2016-05-06         12

Acquire and display the raw data

The following terminal output displays the raw data obtained from opendatatoronto.

# A tibble: 6 × 13
  `_id` dataCollectionDate beachName       windSpeed windDirection airTemp rain 
  <int> <chr>              <chr>               <int> <chr>           <int> <chr>
1     1 2010-08-03         Marie Curtis P…         5 SW                 31 Yes  
2     2 2010-08-03         Sunnyside Beach         5 SW                 31 Yes  
3     3 2010-08-03         Hanlan's Point…         5 SW                 31 Yes  
4     4 2010-08-03         Gibraltar Poin…         5 SW                 31 Yes  
5     5 2010-08-03         Centre Island …         5 SW                 31 Yes  
6     6 2010-08-03         Ward's Island …         5 SW                 31 Yes  
# ℹ 6 more variables: rainAmount <int>, waterTemp <dbl>, waterFowl <int>,
#   waveAction <chr>, waterClarity <chr>, turbidity <dbl>

Clean the data

Read the csv

raw_toronto_beaches_data <-
    file = "input/toronto_beaches.csv",
    show_col_types = FALSE
# A tibble: 6 × 13
  `_id` dataCollectionDate beachName       windSpeed windDirection airTemp rain 
  <dbl> <date>             <chr>               <dbl> <chr>           <dbl> <chr>
1     1 2010-08-03         Marie Curtis P…         5 SW                 31 Yes  
2     2 2010-08-03         Sunnyside Beach         5 SW                 31 Yes  
3     3 2010-08-03         Hanlan's Point…         5 SW                 31 Yes  
4     4 2010-08-03         Gibraltar Poin…         5 SW                 31 Yes  
5     5 2010-08-03         Centre Island …         5 SW                 31 Yes  
6     6 2010-08-03         Ward's Island …         5 SW                 31 Yes  
# ℹ 6 more variables: rainAmount <dbl>, waterTemp <dbl>, waterFowl <dbl>,
#   waveAction <chr>, waterClarity <chr>, turbidity <dbl>

Clean names

cleaned_beaches_data <-
# A tibble: 6 × 13
     id data_collection_date beach_name wind_speed wind_direction air_temp rain 
  <dbl> <date>               <chr>           <dbl> <chr>             <dbl> <chr>
1     1 2010-08-03           Marie Cur…          5 SW                   31 Yes  
2     2 2010-08-03           Sunnyside…          5 SW                   31 Yes  
3     3 2010-08-03           Hanlan's …          5 SW                   31 Yes  
4     4 2010-08-03           Gibraltar…          5 SW                   31 Yes  
5     5 2010-08-03           Centre Is…          5 SW                   31 Yes  
6     6 2010-08-03           Ward's Is…          5 SW                   31 Yes  
# ℹ 6 more variables: rain_amount <dbl>, water_temp <dbl>, water_fowl <dbl>,
#   wave_action <chr>, water_clarity <chr>, turbidity <dbl>

keep only the necessary date and water temperature information

cleaned_beaches_data <-
  cleaned_beaches_data |>

cleaned_beaches_data <-
  cleaned_beaches_data |>
    date = data_collection_date,
    temp = water_temp

# A tibble: 6 × 2
  date        temp
  <date>     <dbl>
1 2010-08-03  22.6
2 2010-08-03  21.9
3 2010-08-03  24.3
4 2010-08-03  21.3
5 2010-08-03  21.3
6 2010-08-03  21.4
[1] "date" "temp"

Write the new csv

  x = cleaned_beaches_data,
  file = "output/cleaned_beaches_data.csv"
beaches_clean <-
    read_csv("output/cleaned_beaches_data.csv", show_col_types = FALSE)

Group the cleaned data by year.

summary_data <- beaches_clean |>
  mutate(temp_year = year(date)
  ) |>
  arrange(year(date)) |> 
  drop_na(temp) |> 
  summarise(number_temp = mean(temp),
            .by = temp_year)

write_csv(summary_data, file = "output/cleaned_beaches_data_year.csv")
summary_data |> kable()
temp_year number_temp
2008 18.96261
2009 17.02802
2010 18.79092
2011 14.54550
2012 17.05103
2013 14.81171
2014 13.40234
2015 14.35840
2016 15.32493
2017 13.79816
2018 16.15567
2019 13.53229
2020 16.51292
2021 15.98010
2022 15.79472
2023 17.48933
2024 17.89932


I can now make a graph of how water temperature change over time.

summary_data |>
  ggplot(aes(x = temp_year, y = number_temp)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "Year", y = "Water Temperature") +
  scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set1") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")


R Core Team. 2024. R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing. Vienna, Austria: R Foundation for Statistical Computing. https://www.R-project.org/.
Wickham, Hadley. 2016. Ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Springer-Verlag New York. https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org.